Age of Steam Roundhouse


We had to sign a “RELEASE TO ENTER UPON AGE OF STEAM (AoS) ROUNDHOUSE PROPERTY” and the critical clause was…

“In return for visitation rights granted to me by this Release, I agree that any and all photographs and electronic images of the AoS Roundhouse facilities made by me with any type of recording device (e.g. film or digital cameras, digital video recorders, cell phones, ipods, ipads, etc.) shall be for my own personal viewing, and that all such photographs and electronic images shall not be shared, sold, e-mailed, distributed or published in any media whatsoever, including Internet, Facebook, Twitter, websites, books, magazines,, either now or at any time in the future.”

We were honoured to accompany Ted Goodman the Architect, the Builder and a Locomotive Engineer from their workshop on a guided tour of this very nice facility.

This facility is owned by “Jerry & Laura Jacobson Foundation”.  Jerry Jacobson is a Regional Railroad owner after working as an anesthesiologist and purchasing small local railroads to achieve “Regional” status.  He has collected steam and diesel locomotives over the years.  The Roundhouse has 18 stalls and was built in 2010.