Freight operations includes those that occur in yards, locals, PFE/Express Reefer, Ore and Loco facility requirements.
This is the main yard for the layout.
Hornertown Operations Strategy V4
The local shunter is used for all movements between the two Arrival/Departure tracks and the three Classification Tracks and classifying vehicles.
All trains are received and dispatched by the Yardmaster in conjunction with the Layout Controller.
The Hornertown Industrial Yard is treated as a “remote location” with the exception of the through train “Icing Activities” which are done in conjunction with the Industrial Yard shunter.
The local shunter is used for all movements between yard and industries. Pick ups are the cars furthest away from the industry entry point. Set Outs are placed at the industries shown on the switchlist.
The yard is in two sections East & West.
The East section contains: Icing Platform, Meat Works, Heritage Furniture, Plant No. 4, Centennial Mills & the Coach Yard including the Commissary.
The local shunter is used for all movements between the yard and industries. Pick ups are the cars furthest away from the industry entry point. Set Outs are placed at the industries shown on the switchlist. The Outgoing Consist when made up is stored on the Shunt Main.
The yard contains: Switch Lead, Siding, Cement Works, Cold Stores, Direct Load, Engineering, Northern Light & Power, Piggy Back and a Warehouse with 6 tracks.
The local shunters are used for all movements between yard and industries. Any vehicles required on the upper section are required to be placed by the Steelworks shunting set due to the steep grades. Pick ups are the cars furthest away from the industry entry point. Set Outs are placed at the industries shown on the switchlist.
The yard contains: Siding, Silos, Freight Office, Winery, Steelworks Delivery, Ore Unload, Steelworks Siding, Coal Delivery, Coaling, Ash and Loco Service.
There are a number of local freight movements which mostly involve movements into and out of Hornertown Classification Yard they are listed below.
The outward movement departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure Easterly to Flintston Yard. This achieved via Helix Junction changing from Inner Loop to Outer Loop around Fleets Loop to Picard Junction then around Lewiston Loop taking the Flintston Branch then into Flintston Yard.
The return movement departs Flintston Yard Westerly to Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads. This achieved down the Flintston Branch to the Outer Loop around Lewiston Loop to Picard Junction to Fleets Loop then around to Helix Junction changing from Outer Loop to Inner Loop then Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads.
The outward movement departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure Westerly to Huntington Yard. This achieved via Lewiston Loop then Picard Junction and around Fleets Loop into Helix Junction changing from the Inner Loop to Outer Loop then past Huntington Passenger taking the Huntington Branch through Daveyston to Huntington Yard.
The return movement departs Huntington Yard arriving at Hornertown Arrival/Departures roads. The train passes through Daveyston, shunting Claxton Lumber and passenger siding when required, rejoining the Outer Loop then passing Hornertown Passenger to Helix Junction changing from Outer Loop to Inner Loop then around Fleets Loop to Picard Junction followed by going around Lewiston Loop before arriving at Huntington Yard.
The outward movement departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure Westerly to Huntington Yard. The train passes through Lewiston Loop then Picard Junction and around Fleets Loop into Helix Junction changing from the Inner Loop to Outer Loop then past Huntington Passenger taking the Huntington Branch through Daveyston to Huntington Yard.
Return movement is picked up by the Huntington Local.
The outward movement departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure Easterly to Jimtown. The train passes through Helix Junction entering the Helix upwards to the top deck entering the Outer Loop and t Stanvac Junction changing from Outer Loop to Inner Loop then arriving at Jimtown.
The return movement departs Jimtown Westerly into Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads. The train passes through Stanvac Junction changing from Inner Loop to Outer Loop taking the Helix downwards to Helix Junction then into Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads.
This outward movement departs Stanvac Easterly to Jimtown. The Stanvac shunter picks up empties and supplies for the refinery and sets out vehicles loaded at the refinery onto the Jimtown siding which is serviced by the Jimtown Local.
The train departs Shasta Easterly to the Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads. The train passes through Onka Valley on the Inner Loop through Jimtown to Stanvac Junction changing from Inner Loop to Outer Loop then arriving at The Turn to change direction from Easterly to Westerly returning to Stanvac Junction on way to the Helix going downward to Helix Junction onto the Inner Loop then arriving at Hornertown Arrival/Departure roads.
The Hornertown Classification and Industrial Yard shunters then “Ice the reefers at the Icing Platform”.
When ‘Iced”, it departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure Westerly to hidden staging at Stirling. The train passes through Lewiston Loop and after going around to Picard Junction it enter Fleets Loop en-route to hidden staging at Stirling.
When scheduled are treated in a similar manner to the regular PFE.
The train departs Iron Hill Westerly to the steelworks at Huntington. It passes through Adamsville to Onka Valley around The Turn to the Outer Loop to Stanvac Junction to the Helix Downward to Helix Junction changing to the Outer Loop passing Hornertown Passenger taking the Huntington Branch passing through Daveyston and arriving at Huntington Yard.
The return trip with the empties is the reverse. It departs Huntington Yard Easterly passing through Daveyston and entering the Outer Loop passing Hornertown Passenger to Helix Junction changing from Outer Loop to Inner Loop the entering Helix upwards to the upper level entering the Outer Loop arriving at Stanvac Junction continuing on the Outer Loop to The Turn then Onka Valley through Adamsville to Iron Hill.
The train departs Iron Hill Westerly to the hidden staging at Stirling. It departs Iron Hill Westerly through Adamsville to Onka Valley around The Turn to the Outer Loop to Stanvac Junction to the Helix Downward to Helix Junction changing from the Outer Loop to the Inner Loop passing Hornertown Classification Yard to Crossing Loop changing from Westerly to Easterly to Picard Junction taking Inner Loop around Lewiston Loop then past Hornertown Classification Yard then around Fleets Loop to Picard Junction then Lewiston Loop to hidden staging at Stirling.
The train depart LeMaistre Loco for Hornertown Arrival/Departure. It enters the Outer Loop at Picard Junction changing from the Outer Loop to Inner Loop then taking Crossing Loop on to Hornertown Arrival/Departure road and couples to the consist then departs Hornertown Arrival/Departure road Westerly to Crossing Loop to Picard Junction changing from Inner Loop to Outer Loop then taking the Loco LeMaistre Arrival Road.